Our trusted sponsors
Silver Sponsor
RWS is a leading provider of language and Structured Content Authoring solutions – working with 19 of the world’s top 20 pharma companies.
Developed in collaboration with leading pharma companies – our Fonto Integrated Authoring Platform combines the power of structured content with user-friendly, data-driven authoring, language integration and using AI tools in the best possible ways.
Discover how RWS can help in the areas of clinical, regulatory, manufacturing and safety with services and technology for CMC, labeling and linguistic validation and other areas and this in any language.
Gold Sponsor
Sirion Labs
Bronze Sposnor
We are Frankly, an interdisciplinary digital agency, and our fortes are purpose-driven marketing, ideas, concepts, design, and storytelling that make your brand shine digitally. We help you understand, frame, and articulate your sales, awareness, recruiting, or employee retention challenges problems – and solve them with flexed creative muscles, strong technological intelligence, and proven strategic capabilities.
Like all our Summits the event is tailored to meet your requirements and be discussed.
If you are interested in sponsoring and looking to reach professionals from leading companies,
please contact Mr. Ronald Russo for more Information.
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Solution providers are selected based on the requirements and interests of our delegates.
The best way to showcase your expertise, solutions and services to a highly relevant audience is to sponsor an Allan Lloyds’ conference.
Our conferences are for senior level professionals only. In sponsoring our event, you will be in contact with decision makers in your industry, meaning you will be networking directly with the right people who are looking for the solutions that you provide.
Why exhibit
with Allan Lloyds?
We keep a very good ratio between vendors and end-users so you will
meet potential clients and not competitors.